Studying international development cooperation with project-based learning

Acronym IDEC PBL
Title of the project Studying international development cooperation with project-based


Project number 2022-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000087488
Aim of the project IDEC PBL aims to improve the quality of education with integrating
project-based learning in the field of international development
cooperation. The project aims to build on the digital capacities of the
students and react to the current megatrend of digitalization, thus the
IDEC PBL partnership will create a digital and online available serious
game in the field of international development cooperation, with a
special focus on Africa.
Project results The serious game provides the opportunity to improve learning and
teaching practices in the partner organizations, and active learning
elements and project-based learning will be but in the centre in courses
in which international development cooperation is taught. The partners
will create new course descriptions and curricula when integrating the
IDEC serious game in their courses. We also contribute to the
achievement of the 4th goal of the Sustainable Development Goals,
especially target SDG4.7 about global education.
Total budget 400,000 EUR
Coordinator University of Szeged (Hungary)
Partners Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin (France)

Foundation for Africa (Hungary)

The project is financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.